Eighty mid-large sized companies triumphantly marched into the global spotlight as Hong Kong’s biggest and longest-serving business annual presented the territory’s annual awards for corporate excellence.

The Awards were held on Nov 27 at the prestigious ballroom of the luxurious Harbour Grand Kowloon hotel, host to nearly 400 guests. The winning companies were picked from more than 3000 nominations and covered more than 12 key industries. Opening the Awards Glenn Rogers, the CEO of the Mediazone Group congratulated the 80 winners and presented them with the Publisher’s Trophy of Excellence.

Soon after the opening speech photographs of the ceremony began appearing on social media and leading search engines showcasing the winner’s achievements world-wide.

Ready for Challenge

Delivering his opening remarks, Rogers pointed to foreign and domestic challenges (see full speech here) saying, “we must boost our ability to encourage our workforce with inspiration and reward. We must infuse our younger colleagues with a greater sense of integrity, a devotion to excellence and make constant improvisation a daily habit.” The HKMVC Awards came to a close as the publisher’s online marketing channels and social media began showcasing the winner’s at home and aboard.

Don’t miss our exclusive images from the 2018 HKMVC Awards Ceremony at the GALLERY section.


香港最具規模及服務最悠久的英文商務年刊出版社 Mediazone 集團於11月27日假九龍海逸君綽酒店的豪華宴會廳舉行了一年一度的《Mediazone’s 最有價值企業大獎》頒獎典禮,以表揚80家得獎企業在商界上的出色表現。晚會接待近400位嘉賓,得獎單位來自多於12個領導行業,並從3000多個提名中脫穎而出,實至名歸。

Mediazone 主席 Mr. Glenn Rogers 致過開幕辭後便開始頒發代表卓越榮譽的 Trophy of Excellence 獎座予80名得獎企業,以表揚他們在行業上的傑出成就。頒獎典禮的照片迅速被上載到各社交媒體,廣泛地向世界展示各得獎企業的光輝時刻。


Mr.Rogers 指出國外及本地企業所面對的各種挑戰時表示 :「我們必須提高企業於啟發團隊及激勵員工方面的能力,予以適當獎賞,更要向年輕一代灌輸正直及追求做事盡善盡美的觀念,並把這培養成日常習慣。」(致辭全文) 隨著《Mediazone’s 最有價值企業大獎》2018晚會的圓滿結束,頒獎典禮的花絮及各得獎單位的資訊將會於 Mediazone 集團的各個社交媒體平台陸續發佈。(謝倩昕翻譯)