Pragmatic leaders don’t run. They not only stand and fight, but they face adversity with conviction, courage and capability. All of this was on display for the world to admire at Mediazone’s Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong 2021 Awards last week.

Winners of the HKMVC Awards pledged to fight on, face the challenges presented by COVID, and outlive Hong Kong’s setbacks – proving once again that the Spirit behind Hong Kong’s enterprising best, is more than alive and well.

Glenn Rogers, Editor in Chief of Mediazone Group

Addressing the winners from Australia, the group’s Editor in Chief, Mr. Glenn Rogers said that the future of business in Hong Kong depends on the innovation, determination and “will-do” attitude of its business leaders.

He cautioned the winners against copycat Awards being sold in the market to mislead unsuspecting companies. “We have received several emails from Hong Kong companies cross-checking if these Awards (with names very similar to our Most Valuable Companies in Hong Kong title) have any affiliation with us. They have forwarded emails from these pretenders that bear close resemblance to (our) Mediazone Group’s documents. These constitute sufficient legal evidence to prove infringements and we are pursuing these avenues actively,” Rogers said.

Guest of Honour: Dr. Bernard Chan, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

“We encourage our clients to cross-check with us before any dealings with these copycats are made, as the Mediazone Group will not be responsible for any losses incurred as a result.”

“The Mediazone Group has been serving Hong Kong for the past 21 years and remains the most authoritative voice of Hong Kong’s business community. Copycat awards are being sold by fly-by-night media companies and shameless one-man-bands with no history, credibility or authenticity and companies stand to hurt their reputation by soliciting such fake awards.”

“This is a time for building on credibility not just for ourselves but for Hong Kong as it fights against recent political and COVID-related setbacks. Let us take our every step with caution, wisdom and courage,” Rogers concluded.