Few entrepreneurs have so passionately created a resource for music aficionados as has PROF. ELVIS CHEUK – who is contributing society and also providing students with a keen sense of musical accomplishment.
Virtuoso Music Centre has been established since 2003. Based on the population growth and regional development of Hong Kong, the demand of the classical music education has been increasing. In addition to the increasing degree of importance about cultural inheritance in Hong Kong, it led to the foundation of Virtuoso Music Centre.
Growth Path
“According to the past experiences, the customers had very high awareness regarding the quality of both products and services. To enhance the teaching performance, VMC offered the tutor-training program, thereby delivering classical music instrument courses through a high standard teaching quality,” says Prof. Elvis Cheuk.
“Moreover, the teaching modes of music institution in European countries are also introduced and applied. This activates the musical sense and skill performing that also facilitate the development of intelligence and good personality. In addition to the systematic course design and Learning Progress Report system (LPR), it enables extreme high level of the course quality and excellent students’ results,” Prof. Cheuk explains.

Musical Options
“One of the main objectives of VMC is to satisfy customers’ needs and market demand, hence a wide range of courses are provided to students of all ages by holding individual class or group study mode, such as western classical and traditional Chinese instruments courses, music theory and composition courses. Based on the particular student level, VMC also inspires them through the participation of different music exams, competitions and concerts.
“Apart from those categories, string orchestra training program is also a core item. The HKVSO is an academic-based string orchestra which has been established in 2005, it is not only for performing during the concert, but also improve the students’ sight-reading skills, audio sensitivity, self-confidence and cooperation between team members.”
Furthermore, VMC has a lot of brands regarding western classical and traditional Chinese music instruments or accessories. VMC makes use of Instrument Order System (IOS) to provide professional services. Generally, customers can get their ordered products within five working days.
“I owe this honour to all the people who helped take me and my dream to this point and into the future.” – Prof. Elvis Cheuk
Expanding to Serve
“One of the obstacles faced in the HK market which was related to the shortage of talents, so that led to the foundation of Virtuoso Music Institute (VMI) in 2015. VMI offers Tutor Teaching and Training Certificate Program for classical music education industry in order to enhance tutor teaching skills and methodology. Moreover, VMI always cooperates with other local institutions and universities in foreign countries for providing effective pathway regarding further study and personal development.”
Based on the increasing awareness of holistic dimension of personal development, various kinds of courses have been launched in different teaching centers recently:
- Academic courses (GAPSK course, DSE intensive course, IELTS)
- Activity-based courses
- School interview classes
- VMC also enforces the development of:
- Tutor Teaching and Training Certificate program
- Classical music instrument program in primary and secondary school,
- Seminar and exhibition
- Professional music performance services
Tailor-made Brand
Although a trend of increasing number of classical music instruments production in the greater China market and even global market, it is more important for the quality assurance, VMC has its own violin-making consultants for producing international brand “Delicato” handmade-violin series. Furthermore, this tailor-made brand is verified by Chief Instrument Consultant in order to ensure the material and tone colour.
“The honor for attaining HK TOP 50 Industrial Leader and HK Prominent Educator that gives a great motivation for insisting my objective – sustainable pursuit of excellence which is the secret of success. I owe this honour to all the people who helped take me and my dream to this point and into the future,” concludes Prof. Cheuk.

For additional information, please visit www.virtuosomc.com
發揚音樂藝術 促進文化傳承
少數的企業家跟卓教授 PROF. ELVIS CHEUK 一樣,能夠同時作為演奏家及教育家,以其音樂的理解與造詣對社會作出宏觀層面的貢獻。

VMC 行政總裁及音樂總監 Professor Elvis Cheuk
配合香港分區地域發展及社會人口增長,藝晴音樂中心 (Virtuoso Music Centre, VMC) 於2003年創辦,以回應古典音樂教育需求上升及市民對文化傳承重要性的關注。
樂器訂購方面,VMC代理多個國際知名品牌,包括中西樂器及各類相關配件,並運用專業的 (IOS) 系統以提供專業樂器訂購服務。客戶一般可在五個工作天內取得所訂購的貨品。
隨著內地及環球市場經濟發展,樂器的生產有上升的趨勢,但更重要的是樂器質素的保證。VMC 擁有專業的小提琴製作顧問,並由首席小提琴鑑定顧問進行質量評估及檢測,以確保國際知名小提琴品牌Delicato上乘材質和完美音色。
VMC再一次榮獲「香港最有價值企業」殊榮,並獲選香港 TOP 50 企業領袖和香港傑出教育家,給予卓教授和其團隊及VMC所有合作夥伴一個充分的認同和肯定,讓未來可以繼續向「追求卓越」的目標邁進。
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