Dynamic, thought-leading property management icon KAI SHING MANAGEMENT SERVICES LTD powers ahead with value-based customer-centric approach says director Kevin Chu. 

Kai Shing Management Services Ltd (Kai Shing), a member of Sun Hung Kai Properties, was established in 1978. It manages over a hundred million square feet of properties including A-grade commercial buildings, large-scale shopping malls, premium residences, large-scale residence estates, commerce and trade buildings, HOS estates, and clubhouse and leisure facilities management across Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. The giant is one of the largest property management companies in Hong Kong.    

Kevin Chu, Director of Kai Shing Management Services Ltd.


Kai Shing’s motto is “We Serve You Best” and the firm provides a total property management service for tenants, including facility management, property management, asset management, property lease management, clubhouse management, training support, cleaning services, project management, technical maintenance, and property surveys.

Kai Shing also manages various international commercial buildings and key properties in Hong Kong such as, International Commerce Centre, Kowloon Commerce Centre, New Town Plaza, Grand Century Place, Metroplaza, The Vineyard, Leighton Hill, Aegean Coast, and Park Island, devotedly providing professional and quality management services to all types of properties. Kai Shing has especially set up Supreme Management Service Ltd in 2001, offering hotel-grade property management services for premium residential projects.

China Footprint

Kai Shing has already seized the key opportunity of entering the mainland market and set up Shanghai Kai Shing Properties Management Services Ltd as early as in 1996, as the first stop for expansion in China. 

In 2004, Guangzhou Kai Shing Properties Management Services Ltd was set up to oversee the business development in Southern China. Up until now, the services of Kai Shing have already covered cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Foshan.

Social Responsibility

“We spare no effort in the promotion of environmental protection, with constant creativity and improvement, we have not only introduced various green initiatives in management services and facilities, but also disseminated environmentally-friendly messages to the community through diversified activities, says Kevin Chu, the company’s director. 

“Specialization and differentiation are important if you want to be competitive today. From day one, we positioned ourselves as a company that thinks differently. Our founding tenets are based on providing customers with innovative solutions,” Chu explains.

“Kai Shing’s eco-consciousness spirit has been well demonstrated through its green management policies and practices. The company set up energy forecast facilities through CLP’s Meter Online to monitor the use of electricity in clubhouses. In properties managed by the company, residents are encouraged to live green through activities such as rooftop farming workshops and recycling of food waste into fertilizers,” says Chu. 

Growth Assured

“Our service standard relies heavily on our staff and they are our most valuable assets. With our large pool of talent, we enhance their capacity and vision by providing learning experience.

“Responding to clients’ ever-changing needs in the digital age, we are actively promoting intelligent property management through the use of information technology. We have already created award winning mobile applications for smart phone for restaurant reservation and using parking facilities in our shopping malls in a more convenient way.” 

“Having achieved so much already, we would still like to continuously improve our service through staff training. In the future, we endeavour to incorporate more technological aspects in our service, such as NB-I-O-T (Technology).

“We are humbled that our sustainable effort and achievements in environment protection have been recognized. That’s important for us as a customer-focussed company. Our journey to perfection is on track and we look forward to more growth in our business and our people,” Chu concluded. 

For additional information, please visit www.kaishing.hk

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